DragonCon (Labor Day Weekend 2023)
DragonCon 2023!
Labor Day Weekend:
August 31st – September 4th, 2023
I’ve been going to DragonCon for 10 (maybe 11?) years and this DragonCon still had quite a few FIRSTs for me. This was first year I got to spend my con in the host hotel. First year I officially booked a few shoots. First year I got to hang out with some of my friends I frequently kick it with outside of DragonCon and the first year I didn’t really take a lot of pictures (lol… yeah). With each passing year, I’m finding new ways to enjoy the con more and lately I’ve been giving myself a ton of grace to just have fun. By Sunday, I didn’t even bring camera out with me and just snapped up familiar (and some new) faces with my phone.
Anywho… I did get a few shots and you can find them below!
This gallery is best viewed on a larger screen.
AGAIN!!! To all the people I connected with please don’t be a stranger!
Feel free to download and share but please credit @GXFTD (personal page) as the photographer if you’re posting on IG (@iamGXFTD on Twitter).
Right-Clicking and selecting ¨Open Image In New Tab¨ will allow you to see the larger version of the images (long press if you’re on mobile for the download option).
If you want to and are one of those gracious people who really wants to tip me just know it’s not necessary but alway appreciated!
If you have additional request a tip really would be appreciated.
You can tip via cashapp here: $iamGXFTD. I’ll be able to continue doing what I do because of you!