Momocon Weekend (May 2024)
Momocon 2024
May 24th – 27th, 2024
This was a crazy weekend. Momocon, Atlanta Carnival, and Atlanta Jazz Festival. Ya boy was active.
Most of the images below are from Friday, TrapSushi on Saturday, and Sunday.
I spent most of my Memorial Day Weekend at Momocon this year. Normally I’d be at ATL carnival events. It was my first time getting the full experience of the con since I stayed downtown for the weekend and it wasn’t bad. I got a good feeling of how I’ll do this next year. There are definitely Do’s and Don’ts to make sure you have the best con experience. The first “do” is get the app, learn the lay of the land, and actually look at the panels. Momocon had some great programming. Every panel I stepped inside of was solid. This is a con where you’ll want to be intentional about your day.
That said my biggest takeaway was this isn’t the type of 24/7 con like DragonCon (not any more at least). At DragonCon I can afford to be arbitrary because there’s always something to do and I know where it is. Momocon instead is a con of hidden/not so hidden gems. The nightlife and afterdark turnups could have been way better but there were still awesome panels to attend. The Cowboy Bebop live panel is officially the best thing I’ve ever attended at any con. It was amazing. The 24/7 game room was a fun time too. I’m going to dedicate myself to getting nice at Gundam for the next one lol.
I hope they work out things for the courtyard next year. I also hope to see some strong parties next year for post con turn ups. That said I hope you enjoy the shots of the vibes I did catch below.
Feel free to download and share but please credit @GXFTD as the photographer if you’re posting on IG (or @iamGXFTD on Twitter).
Right-Clicking and selecting ¨Open Image In New Tab¨ will allow you to see the larger version of the images (long press if you’re on mobile for the download option).
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